Call Me Carlos the Dwarf


That's fair.

But, specifically, that he proved he wasn't "really" metal by cheating on his wife.

Oh, definitely.

Eh, they don't really say "fuck you" to minorities or women (they've been pro-Gay Marriage since 1972, and their stance against removes a massive lever of power as far as Institutional Racism goes), and there's a wide range in terms of how they view foreigners.


Yeah, he was against gay marriage until it was no longer politically expedient to oppose it.

This is more "if it was revealed that James Hetfield cheated on his wife, and she's pissed about it."

I don't think he's even "passing off the responsibility."

What does this have to do with that, though?

Yeah, that's why people are pointing out that every textual example the author cites from Whedon's work is not only blatantly incorrect, but actively refuted by the text she claims to be citing.

Personally, I've been making jokes about how much I enjoy engaging in performative masculinity for a couple years.

Hell, the original American feminists broke with Frederick Douglass by essentially saying "You're letting n****rs vote but not us?"

Kinda like claiming that the First Slayer's "powers are forced upon her by a group of white men against her consent."

Or it means that people realize that the Democrats' best chance "hinge on energizing their own base," rather than punching sideways at any ally who fails to demonstrate sufficient performative wokeness.

I hope they don't correct it.

And then in S5, Wes explains to him (at length) that having sex with Nina would almost certainly not give him a moment of pure happiness, because those are exceedingly rare.

Yeah, even the line everyone's trying to pin Whedon for sounds more like "Beautiful women wanted to fuck me because of my status, and I let them because I'm a huge piece of shit. I'm sorry."

It's only the third biggest domestic superhero movie of all time!

Whedon was most involved in Buffy S1-5, Firefly, S5 of Angel and S1 of Dollhouse.