Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

…that seems backwards.

Of course, it would be nice if the author of the article was familiar enough with his work to even attempt to mount an intelligent criticism of it.

Firefly is on HuluPlus, can't find Serenity though…

Firefly is much, much better than Serenity.

And I'm sick of people claiming that a poorly written and argued article about someone being a shitty husband is "talking about a social issue."

Well, the only person we know for sure who "writes that" is the man's ex-wife, who hates him for being a cheating asshole.

AKA why Trump won the election.

Isn't that just called "Any Gawker or Jezebel article"?

Some people are Bill. Some people are Neal.

Oh, I know!


Again, the issue isn't that it's talking about pop culture.

Oh, people aren't complaining about how it's not "what we want to read."

It was funnier when she couldn't even get basic plot details right while trying to build her argument.


I wouldn't even call him "a bad feminist."

Funniest shit I've read since Sonia's review of "I Think We Should Have Sex," where she argued that the only thing Tami and Coach could be talking about when they say "I don't want you to get hurt by rushing into sex." is Matt raping Julie

It's nearly as insightful as the FoC about how "Parks and Rec had failed as a show by having Leslie get pregnant."

So…did you ever watch Angel?

There's also the fact that the First Watchers (called the Shadow Men) are fucking black.