Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

It's distracting me from the article!

The fuck if I know.

I still miss pagination.

The main issue is that Kinja doesn't allow nested threading or, apparently, sorting threads in chronological order.

I thought I would only go blind!

Jesus fucking Christ.

There's an AV Club After Dark Disqus page.

In their defense…that's what they've been trying their level best to do ever since the last holdouts from the Keith era left.

Never go full Manimal!

Yeah, that's something I pretty fundamentally believe.


…nothing in that wall of text (and I did read it all) refutes the fact of Danny's current privilege, when Luke points out how stupid he's being by beating up flunky-level kids rather than effecting actual change.

They did a much better job of working in the stuntman in Defenders.

Aka Danny Rand!

The corporate approach got Danny to *exactly* where he was going to end up. He just got there a month earlier.

I agree with that interpretation, but I don't think that "makes him a terrible person" so much as it makes him a deeply immature one…which is exactly Luke's point.

I think you mean "Batman Begins minus the bits they took from Daredevil comics."

Maybe overcompensating for the fact that Rosenberg et al were only interested in her as a victim, rather than as a badass PI living in an insane world.

When she took a bullet in JJ, it pierced the skin.

Because this show's average, and what this show is trying to be, is several levels above Iron Fist's greatest "ambitions."