Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

This is, of course, in addition to all the murders Hillary arranged to prevent the Whitewater Scandal from leaking!

But yeah, I'm sure the reason a movement driven by rich white kids lost to a candidate who had 80% of the black votes in the Democratic Party is "voter suppression"!

I don't think they're misogynists.

She won because she got a shit-ton more votes than Bernie.

Hillary went for moderate Republicans.

Best line from the Black-ish Trump episode:

When Bernthal got the role, they gave him a stack of Ennis's PunisherMAX run and said "This is who you are playing."

This is a dedicated 12-issue miniseries, so I think trade-writing is pretty justified.

Or is it about NOT having sex with underage Japanese girls?!

So, to be clear:


I'd phrase it that Rivers has made it pretty clear that the lack of depth on every album that has followed the backlash to Pinkerton has been purposeful, and he has no intention of taking the personal and creative risk of putting himself into his music ever again.

I mean maxing's omission from the portmanteau "chillaxing" is an offense against God, man and the Prince.

I put the White Album on while driving from Atlanta to Charleston.

And BOOM goes the dynamite!

What about maxing?!

And even Raditude had "Put Me Back Together," which I'll put up there with the best of their post-Pinkerton songs.

Seems a little excessive to attack them personally.


Did you pay attention to anything other than the dick jokes, or just check out after the first 10 minutes, satisfied at having taste too cultivated to enjoy such a low-brow movie?