Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Who decides that?


…Jud Suß isn't banned.

Maybe this show will help.

Clearly, it won't have anything to reflect modern society, and it should never be made!

Since when does their existence matter more than Sam's getting clicks?

AJ…I'm afraid your refusal to endorse preemptively censoring art that sounds like it might make you feel uncomfortable makes you complicit in the rebirth of 21st century fascism.

And a popular effort to preemptively censor art, sight-unseen, is the perfect way to #RESIST the normalization of fascism!

Frankly, the idea that the South could have won a single battle without the contribution of slave labor is deeply fucking offensive.

I'm glad you know that Confederate will feed into that strain of American thought!

I wonder how many post-Phipps Newswires would exist if Sam didn't misunderstand issues into stupid buzzwords…

You gotta understand!

The AV Club:

Oh, I read all of those links. They all said the exact same thing, and had nothing to do with the binders, which was my only point.

If you were familiar with the layout change, or had read the part where I mentioned that I had always kept this domain on my exceptions list before the layout change, I feel like your analysis of the situation would have been a lot closer to correct!

Frankly, your attempts to elide any and all data that don't fit with the your pre-existing worldview, rather than actually engaging in an intellectually honest discussion and recalibrating your arguments in the face of new information, offers substantial support to my point.

…did you even read the Globe article I provided, haha?

My only problem with Shum is that Luke and Jess wouldn't be able to shit on him for his absurd privilege as effectively.

Wait…are you arguing that increasing the amount of qualified women who receive interviews is "meaningless" if you don't also implement a quota?

No, they don't.