Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

This is our life now.


I found her and Matt's chemistry electric (if you'll pardon the pun), and thoroughly enjoyed watching her enable Matt's descent into assholery even as Kingpin, Stick and Frank had failed before her.


I'm also not sure why the mother being an asshole who genuinely tries to do the right thing, while the father is a nice, well-meaning person who has failed to do so in the past, is somehow sexist.

Is it okay when we ask you to share your awesome drugs?

Still pissed about losing The Carmichael Show coverage.

My family who have existed in that CalTech/Stanford bubble LOVE BBT, specifically because of how much they hate people like Sheldon.

Eh, 40 is too old.

Or even a dance background!

Counterpoint: Going full blaxploitation (not soap opera) worked gloriously, and the second half of the show was awesome and hilarious.

Yung was absolutely perfect as Elektra, and carried the back half of the series.

I do love Alex's AoS reviews, though.

And the season could have had enough plot to last 13 episodes, if they were at all interested in showing her as a private detective.

Fucking morons.

When they bring back the old layout, I won't run it on this domain name.

Never said Romney was a champion of affirmative action. His record on it definitely isn't great.

I haven't bought anything in the last 5 or 6 years, but know they definitely made an effort to make creatures better/playable.

I will defend the second half to the death!

I dunno. Ward and Davos are awesome.