Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Do you have anything orally from the antebellum period?

There are also lots of gray areas within the umbra of fiscal conservatism.


Which distinguishes you (and Michelle) from Barack, who's half-Kenyan and half-English/Irish/Whatever.

Ethnicity would actually be a better word.

Like, I'd love to talk politics in a review section for The Carmichael Show (RIP).

"If you own a bumper sticker, know that we could never be friends."

There's a bit of a catch-22, here.

Spencer isn't Hitler.

Huh, I hadn't seen anyone claiming anything that hideously idiotic.

Oh, I've been AdBlocking them since they changed the layout back in 2013, so this click didn't count for anything.

So…we'll have Paul Ryan?

The idea is that if you call anyone who disagrees with you a Nazi, it's a less effective label for actual Nazis.

After we called Romney a misogynist for implementing an affirmative action program designed to increase the amount of qualified women applicants to positions in his administration, I very much expected that word to have no meaning in the next election.

That's different.

…Drumpfscheiße may well be the best encapsulation of the current state of our politics I've ever seen.

Yeah, I don't think Trump's an evil genius at this point.

Eh, voting for Stein may well be less forgivable than Trump.


Oh, I love talking about political ideas within the context of pop culture, and the ways in which they intersect.