Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Also, Loyal Retainers is pretty fire. Wild Mongrel an Akroma…

Gotta have banding.

Eh, Ted Cruz is just as white as Francisco Franco.

You should check out Spartacus.

Stalwart Retainer sounds like a Magic card…

I actually appreciated when Sean admitted that the new Newswire format was solely created to artificially boost clicks, rather than the wan explanations from other staffers about how it was really in our best interests.

I clearly haven't been missing much, if you can't even explain why I should fuck off.

Heh, accurate.

Yup, it's the like when they insist that the switch to Kinja is driven by the desire to own their own commenting system, rather than a top-down mandate driven by an attempt to create corporate synergy.

See you on the Avocado and the TI, homie.

Who does "us" consist of in your estimation?


Does this newsletter offer interesting reasons for me to fuck off?

Damn, that's an impressive vocabulary!

Should it be, though?

Charming, kiddo.

Looking for an even tangential connection to pop culture…

Ah, good point.

Only 700 Thespians!