Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

I don't have anything against skydivers. I'm sure they're very nice people.

Yeah, it's an "I statement," not a "you statement."

I know that services weren't donated, because there's an interview with the camp director where she talks about feeling bad for the skydiving company, which lost a ton of money when they had to cancel the show.

The nice thing about it being a surprise is that they hadn't "promised the kids" anything, haha.

They're complaining about the fact that they "only" borrowed a firetruck and had counselors jump out and battle the "bikers," rather than the professional skydivers they'd hired.

When we did shit like "Robots vs. Barbarians" as a special event, we would decorate the big, gray YMCA van we had, and have our staff leap out of it.

No, it's a day camp for rich white kids…which is in no way a knock on the camp!

I would 100% spend that money on other things (including scholarships for kids who can't afford the full price) and not just because both of the camps I've worked for have a borderline-masochistic fixation on creating something out of nothing.

The kids do get three meals a day and a place to sleep for 14 days, and it's on a lake.

You mean the short story about his grandson? I absolutely loved that one, and "only" thoroughly enjoyed The Hot Kid.

I feel like if you did a Venn diagram of your list of distinguishes Jackie Brown from the rest of Tarantino's oeuvre, and Elmore Leonard's strengths as a writer…you'd get a circle.

Hey, now.

And it's all too relevant to the redesigned present and Kinja'd future of the AVC:

Or Relievio?

Well, that is the 8 week option…

And was he humming?

As a longterm camp person…what kind of shitty counselors need people parachuting from the goddamn sky to get the kids pumped for Color War?

I'm shocked that you don't recognize but…it just doesn't matter!

Sausage Party is fucking hilarious, too…but it's nowhere near as dark, upsetting and hysterical as O&R.

His explanation was pitch-perfect for what the movie was trying to do, and why the scene worked.