Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

I'm honestly not sure where the backlash to comics-Tulip came from, except as perhaps an overreaction to internet assholes bitching about Negga's casting (and she's the best part of the show).

Eh, I find Ennis's Jesse both flawed and fundamentally good.

The thing is…his initials are JC, and his name is an anagram for "Secret Jesus."

"I just broke every bone in my hand."

My biggest struggle with the show is that UTEOTW is not only my favorite comic arc of all time (give or take Year One, American Gothic and Valley Forge, Valley Forge), but one of my favorite stories of all time.

If I hear there's a killer adaptation of Until the End of the World, I'll run the whole series, no matter how many eps it takes to get there.

Maybe the entire first season will be set in Scotland, and consist solely of the courtship between Huey and his girlfriend from the start of the series!

I love Negga, and she does great with what she's received…but I'm not sure why her casting necessitated a change from Tulip's having a loving, single father who taught her to shoot and that she could be whatever she wanted to be…to being the scion of alcoholic trash.

I liked the first few eps, fell behind, then tried to catch up before S2 started.

I was actually excited by having a Jesse in his 30s, because it meant that John could have believably served in Vietnam.

I think The Boys may be more doable than Preacher (especially on premium cable) just because there's so much less traveling involved.


Hopefully his escape ends with him on his knees in the rain…screaming "UH…UHM…UH-FUH!!!!"

Hoover's YOU…MOTHERFUCKER! Is one of the great lines of all time.

Did they not realize from the interview scene that Rogen's character is supposed to be a delusional psycho?

Mostly through S2, scrounged up this review to comment on the "diversity" plot line you allude to…because HOLY SHIT does Flint's fury about Miranda reading the Aurelius book pay off, 12 episodes later.

Having just figured out why Flint was so pissed about Barlow reading the governor that book…that scene makes a lot more sense.

I love Shulkie, so I tried…but I just didn't care about anything that happened in the first trade, so I didn't buy the second.

And Syndrome's sin isn't that he wants everyone to be equal.

You're misremembering the end of Harrison Bergeron.