Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

"and this one speaks to a personal interest for Japan…and this one speaks to a personal interest for Japan…and this one speaks to a personal interest for Japan…"

Ultimate Fantastic Four was the first comic I really "followed."

Eh. I could see him spending half an hour befuddled…before immediately mastering the new technologies and becoming the world's leading, cutting-edge genius once more.

The embrace of the direct market gutted the industry.

My only issue with that is that Hickman clearly has no idea what makes Cyke tick, based off his characterization in TRO and Secret Wars.

I'm talking about comic sales, haha.

Of course…that may well be because of the backlash to the Terrigen Poisoning Mutants bullshit.

Even if I agreed…getting Cyclops is my only litmus test for an X-Book, haha.

Exactly, haha.

Waid is the best.

Secret Empire is the last Big One for a while, right?

Specifically, that using your gifts only for self-gain (like Syndrome does and Dash initially wants to) is wrong, and that the only way to truly derive meaning from life is by valuing the welfare of others over your own self-actualization.

Bendis's Daredevil sold very well. Brubaker's had solid sales, too.

Bendis gets Cyclops, and that's pretty much my only litmus test for an X-Men comic.

I remember the Ty Burr review for the first one said something like "In a just world, this movie would make Chris Evans a star."

(And better than anything Soule's done at Marvel)

Eh, "negging" is an attempt to explain how to tease someone to socially impaired morons.

I'll take Bendis's X-Men over Soule's mediocrity fest any day.

Yeah, I'd argue that filmgoers represent a small but important percentage of the comics-buying audience, and the last two FF movies (combined with the 8 year gap between them) has killed that.

School of Rock, High Fidelity, Bernie, Be Kind Rewind, Tropic Thunder…