Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

While being entirely in-character for a Matt struggling to overcome the essential arrogance that lead to Shadowland.

I trade-wait through the library, so I usually have the opposite problem, haha.

Indeed. So, so good.

"Letter to Superman" from Superman Adventures makes me cry like a baby every time.

Eh, a lot of his own stuff stars awesome (meaningfully distinct across different books) "tough chicks," allowing him to focus on populating the world with characters like Ferdinand, rather than establishing a new tough chick character who becomes best friends with the hero.

Hey, now.

I also loved Matt's screaming at her.

I LOVE his FF run with Fraction, but that's all I've really read of his.

Jessica Jones #11 — Good stuff, as per usual.

Man, I loved Bobby.

My biggest issue with the movie is that they ramped up the sexualization and violence while lowering everyone's age by 5 years.

Is he the one who apologizes after injuring Daniel?

Not really.

I saw it for the first time as a 14 year old at an overnight camp, so I've loved it from jump.

My expectations for this show are getting…HIGHER AND HIGHER!!!!

He's also 15 years old, haha.

I think he was driven by the fact that, in his words, "selling dangerous weapons to criminals is wrong."

The priest clearly speaks to a civil leader during the burning.

I think he plays the final fight a lot smarter (including his choice to divert the plane to Coney Island).

I can offer only a single counterpoint to all of your assertions: