Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Smart, funny, Ellis-y, good action.

So, it's his fault that he didn't know that the bank robbers had special weapons technology before he went to confront them…and that Ned didn't leave the stolen alien technology in the hotel room (and didn't listen to him on the phone)…and for stopping the Vulture from robbing a jet in order to manufacture more

Other than, of course, the mayor to whom the priest spoke during Lisa's execution.

I feel that MA Republicans are a great balancing factor, where they essentially say "Alright, we're gonna have high taxes, since it's Mass. Let's make sure that those taxes have tangible benefits for the taxpayers, and not just DiMasi's friends from HS."

Yeah, trying to come at McCain from the right back in '08 was the deathknell of his presidential hopes.

Of course…that's just when BKV STRIKES!

I find it hard to blame the liquor store or Washington monument explosions on Peter.

But yeah. Dude was an excellent governor until he checked out to run for President during his last year in office.

Uh, Romney's a sexist monster.

I loved Castlevania!

Oh, I grew up (and still live) in the Boston Metro area.

Yeah, he's pretty firmly to the left of the Georgia Democrats I voted for when I was in college.

I've heard they really get going after the first arc. Is that (mostly) accurate?

Finally read the second trade of The Autumnlands: HOLY SHIT-SNACKS! That's a fantastic book, and I need more. Now.

Fuck Charles Soule.

It's really, really enjoyable through the second Millar run. It then falls off a cliff when Mike Carey and Pasqual Ferry take over starting with issue #33.

Waid-Samnee Cap? TAKE MY MONEY!!!!


Spencer talks about how Morning Glories taught him and Eisma never to promise 100 issues of a creator-owned series before making a name for yourself at the Big Two.

Did you hear that Gillen's taking over the main Star Wars book?!