Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Dude, it's recognitions.

Charlie Baker is a homie.

I'm not sure it's better than anything the Republicans have put forth.

And, of course, Palin was forced on him after Obama opted out of public funding.

But that's also normal Senate procedure, haha.

Eh, he's trying to force a return to normal Senate procedures, which exist so this shit doesn't happen.

And he didn't, because he wanted them to write a real bill, debate it/workshop it on the Senate floor, and come to a real vote.

There is when the example can't be compared to the issue in question.

He's saying that the only methodology that can be used to analyze the argument advanced in this article in any meaningful way is a marginal cost per soldier, and any other attempt to compare data regarding the relative cost to the military of Viagra and transitioning is incorrect.

And you're more than welcome!

I mean, if you think this:



I dunno.


Did he claim that someone asked him to ride in?

You're supposed to have basic reading comprehension, and understand that he's making a point that the intellectual dishonesty of you and your ilk (idiots who think that being shitty to people on the internet "makes a difference") actually undermines the causes you claim to support.

Wally West is the Flash!

Eh, let's see if the zombie-bill actually goes through before we freak out. All this does is open up debate on the floor, which should be enough to drive off either Portman or Paul, depending on which way they go.

There are a few people who voted to advance the bill who have said "I'm not voting yes on a bill written in secret."