Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

I mean…the reason that Zemo works so well as a villain is that he never lies.

I'm pointing to the fact that you've shifted the goalposts to "No one likes Tessa Thompson" to "she's not blonde enough to be Valkyrie."

Luckily, she redeemed herself by helping Wallace find love last year, even while he was training as a boxer!

Eh, "the church" killing Lisa is pulled directly from the games. He worked within that context to make an interesting point.

…and the goalposts have been shifted!

Not at all.

I mean…"Tony immediately believes this whole thing" because Cap immediately confirms that it's true.

Prioritizing character consistency over immediate narrative resolution isn't a bad thing, IMO.

I mean…she's been critically acclaimed in just about everything she's done, including high-profile roles like Creed and Dear White People.

Here's hoping we get several episodes with the real Flash, Wally Mothafuckin' West, before they bring back Barry.

I actually prefer his positive reviews! Dude's super insightful, and doesn't get excited about music that isn't incredible.

Here's hope he's as delightful here as he is on SHIELD!

I love SCM.

People in Boston know how to drive, they're just assholes.

It's also the Hartford Police, and they're fuckheads.

He's Captain America. He's never going to let something like Tony wrongfully imprisoning his friends stop him from doing the right thing.

I'd say it's a better version of The First Avenger, right down to the studio realizing that they needed a Superman-style character in the universe, and didn't have one.

It was pretty damn good.

The first most terrifying being Smeagol strangling Deagol?

Don't forget Dear White People!