Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

I loved her in WestWorld.

I fucking love Tessa Thompson.

"Don't worry, Thor. We know you have to go!"


Seriously…Skurge, Hela AND Surtur?!

…you don't like Tessa Thompson?!


I was onboard for the multiple timelines starting in episode 5, and the show still worked.

Exactly what I was going for with that comment.

Are including Wonder Woman as a Snyderverse movie?

You're failing to account for the fact that Barry is a fucking terrible character, and "well-meaning geek" is the only way to make him in any way appealing.

The only real Captain Marvel is the Big Red Cheese, dammit!

I won't be sore-ry if that happens.

Trump isn't The Beast.

Greg Burgas wrote a CYSO piece on Jeff Parker's Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers run, and I take his recommendations as pretty damn near to gospel, haha.

Ellis Thunderbolts is SO GOOD!!!!!

"I know many people who have an incredibly delusional opinion of themselves and their import."

Red Team: Double Tap, Center Mass.

Kurt Busiek is the greatest.

That premise is fucking silly, though, because politicians do stuff that goes against their actual position all the time, if they know it won't actually effect anything.