Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Wait…is your premise here that the repeals of Obamacare passed during Obama's presidency were anything other than symbolic gestures to mollify the base before primaries?

As someone with blue eyes, dark hair and an apostrophe in my last name…you're forgetting that we became even whiter by discriminating against Italians on an institutional level!

The shading of Aamir in the second arc is when I started to get why people love Ms. Marvel.

Either them, or Ellis and Shalvey.

Who's writing the Deathblow book?

As a "millennial"…ew.

In fairness to Bendis…Soule's never written anything that can carry Daredevil's jockstrap.

His "voting history," of course, being 6 entirely symbolic votes preceding an election year?

The argument that "Immigrants’ children, then, can finally be (partially) incorporated into the American body. But only conspicuously—never fully, and only by hating the right people" doesn't seem confused at all.

Except, you know, all the ones that don't wish death on people who subscribe to a different belief system.

1) If the second clause were a complete sentence, I would have used a period. If you're gonna be pedantic, kiddo, try to get it right.

..and why are you trying to give him blame?


McCain's annoying as fuck, because he's not actually a moderate.

Yes…that is my point.

I mean…it died while he was getting brain surgery.

Oh, no doubt. I'm saying that there was a solid contingent of the Republican mainstream pursuing that third way (full benefits for civil unions) at the time of the article, though.

…are you doing a bit?

…like how Liz Warren voted for Ben Carson?

His argument, though, was that pursuing a Clintonian "third way" (as much of the mainstream of both parties attempted at the time) diminishes the sanctity of the institution of marriage by reducing it to a legal contract, and that there's a Republican responsibility to champion the institution by embracing same-sex