Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

Wait…do you think that everyone who calls themselves a Republican believes every single one of those things?


Eh, McCain's any personal distaste for Obama would have stemmed from Obama's not putting his money where his bipartisan mouth was during his four years in the Senate (and, of course, his casual destruction of campaign finance reform during the 2008 campaign).

A bunch of fucking idiots refusing to vote, or voting for Jill Stein, because you're not ideologically pure enough for them?

Eh, I'd miss the large amounts of my friends and family who happen to disagree with me politically, but are otherwise kind, smart, generous people.

Well, David Brooks came out in favor of gay marriage (not just equal rights for civil unions) nearly a decade before either Obama or H-Reezy did.

Yeah, that actually was my first thought.

In large part because they needed to generate headlines due to the massive financial advantage Obama gained by reneging on his pledge to follow the McCain-Feingold public financing model in 2008.

Well, there was his constant criticism of the Bush torture policies.

Remember when we were ranting about Romney being a misogynist because he made it a priority to bring qualified women into his gubernatorial administration…and had the temerity to store their resumes in binders?

Which is probably why he just said "Fuck Repeal Without Replace. Let's have an actual hearing on healthcare, like the Senate is supposed to do."

And, of course, the Palin decision was driven in large part by his need to draw publicity in the face of a massive monetary disadvantage to Obama…which existed due to his actually walking the walk on campaign finance reform, rather than reneging as soon as he realized how much more money he'd be able to raise under

Well, uh…he helped torpedo Bernie Sanders' efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform with Ted Kennedy, because it would cost 'Muricans jobs!

I mean…McCain's come out against it, as well.

Meanwhile, it's entirely fair game to call out the Church for how insanely repressive it had become in the decades leading up to the Protestant Reformation (and the Church is not the same thing as Christianity, as Ellis makes quite clear in the text of the show).

It's definitely heavily indebted to Chapelle's show…but it's also quite good, and has excellent leads.

I actually think people hate on it because it's so well done.

It's a shame that this article leaves out the reason Bill's gotten so tight with Dubya:


Also…I just read the second volume of HydraCap, and it's continued to be exquisitely devastating.