Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

I mean…he publicly called Trump a "media whore" in September.

I mean…do the people who think Keith's a right-wing nutjob because of "Courtesy" also think that the Beatles are serial killers because of "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"?

…because he doesn't care.

…what on earth does Toby Keith have to do with "super right-wing people"?

True. "Most people from the Urban Northeast" is probably a more fair description than "most people."

Montana contains parts of Yellowstone, the Rockies and Glacier National Park, it's an absolutely stunning, exotic landscape.

They picked up American Idol!

The man's name is Deon.

Cyclops wasn't evil.

Alec Holland is dead, but Swampy is deeply human.

Haven't gotten to the shop yet this week but, when I do, I'll be picking up The Wild Storm #4.

Yeah, Sly's a fantastic character actor, who ended up a mega-star by accident.

I watched Interview with the Vampire a couple weeks ago, and it was weird and excellent!

Eh. It was interesting to see that his primary takeaway from all the inane "classes" he took was pretty much "be confident, show value and mirror" (aka, basic sales techniques), while the rest of his group were getting into all sorts of psychopathic shit…to the point that when he was just hanging around and shooting

Donald Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man,
A stupid man's idea of a smart man,
And a weak man's idea of a strong man.

In fairness…that is how Barack won the primary!

Maybe it's not the best place for gendered insults, either!

Yeah, that Country Knight kid's handle is two syllables too long to be accurate (I'm Cool Lester Smooth over there).

I'd say the Second Foundation are more comparable to the Illuminati.

I've been on a huge Steeldrivers kick (the Stapleton iteration), so I haven't gotten around to it yet. I've heard a couple of tracks, though, and they're fantastic.