
Yeah, ya know, becoming a giant bullet and destroying everyone in your path doesn't appeal do everyone.

Im with Cloud here, I've never experience any trouble with that minigame, and cetainly not enough to turn me off of one of my most favored games out there.

I personally loved sunshine, it being my first gamecube game. But I have a lot more hate towards the electrical shadow pink manta ray thing. I was stuck for days with it, I hate all those little ones.

I must agree, it's to bad you weren't the to shout "OBJECTION!" when they decieded to change "HUZZAH!" to "OH YEAH", as great as the wii version is, it's not the same without the Balrog I know and love.

B isn't a bad score
I for one agree with it, the game has a few problems, (control, randomly getting missiles and health cause Samus feels like it) but it's still a good game. Sure, it's a dissapointment for Metroid, and this may be the weakest one yet, (way to go, Nintendo, Team Ninjas is TOTALLY the best ever at

Yay for Cheeses Archer reference!

ah ZMF… We love you for all the wrong reasons.

Will they ever stop?!
No! Metroid won't ever stop, even if Zelda falls flat on its face, or Mario jumps a little to high, Kirby may explode, but Samus has always delivered, and it doesn't look like she'll stop soon. Can't wait till Other M, and any other metroid after it!

I'd agree
B- sounds about right, I liked the game, but it was REALLY short, (1:32) and there was only about 3 enemy types. It was fun to play, looked pretty, sounded pretty, for about 2 hours.

Well, I…
Loved it. I though it was wonderful. It was beautiful, for any system, and the controls worked very well as well. It was a lot of fun to play. I'm not sure if it's best if you're looking for a RPG, but I can easily recommend Muramasa. And whenever I see the cooked food graphics, I always have to do my Homer

May be strange
but I liked the game. It had lots of distractions I thought, like Nico's stamps, (Wind Waker, yay!) Bunnies, and secret tracks. But it did feel like the game was on rails, and a bit linear for my taste. But it fix the annoying-as-hell ocean temple, so I'm happy.

hey, at least see doesn't scream "HEY" "LOOK" "LOK OUT!"

What!? Metroid Trilogy, Okami, Mario Kart, TP, and Wii Sports Resort is a prime example! Not to mention both Lost Winds titles, and yes, Mancomb Seepgood, Bonsai Barber. Anyhow, The wii's got it's crap games, not including this one, but that doesn't mean the good should be ignored.

I disagree
I though the review was a little one sided. I mean, it didn't even mention the beautiful graphics for the wii! And I personally though the controls were impressive. It did screw up sometimes, but over all it did well.