Gringo Starr

Silas and Doug could probably shake off the cop very easily, but as the show has established time and time again, neither of them are very bright. Also, I feel like Nancy's been in this situation time and time again, where to make her business work, she has to bring in another person (U-Turn, Agent Wonderbread,

You know what? A year from now, no one's going to remember the shitty commercials Ed did to keep from losing his house. Fifty years from now, we're still going to be watching clips of him making Johnny chuckle.

One thing I learned about the AVC staff from this podcast is that you all have a future in radio:

Had Owen Wilson's suicide attempt succeeded, it would have been the final role for him, Carlin and Paul Newman. Yet Larry the Cable Guy will live to be freakin' 150.


"Weeds has these amazing characters, and isn't really sure what to do with them."

That idea's been floating around for a few years, but it's a great one. Better still, at least to me, if he plays him as the 1960s-era 007, who's long since retired and turned against Her Majesty's gov't.

No, Mister Bond, I expect you to die in a fire!

Please. She tanked the McCain campaign. The religious nuts love her, but that's only half of the Republican party. The free market nuts aren't dumb enough to vote for her - one big reason Obama's in the White House right now. That's not going to change. Unless he fucks up big, Obama's going to win bigger in 2012.

Think about it - no one works, yet everyone has a spacious uptown apartment and a car, and guys who look (and act) like George Costanza can still date an unending parade of hot women.

Wait, isn't that where we live now?

Hipster, every Woody Allen movie you list as having seen was from the last 10 years, when he's put out a steady diet of crap. Woody's been coasting on his reputation for decades. But the films that built that reputation? Good enough that he can put out a shitty film every year for 20 years and people still like him.

"Kevin Smith movies are way too talky, always feature atrocious acting, have little to no plotting or character development, and often make no goddamned sense at all. But they're so fundamentally hysterical"

Yeah, it works in that sense too.

I think Stewart knows he's got the perfect gig for him. However, if they offered him Letterman's show, that might be hard to turn down. I think both Jon and the Daily Show would be worse for it, but in the words of Krusty the Clown, "They drove a big dump truck full of money up to my house! I'm not made of stone!",

Jorge, that's not odd at all. When he was 20, he was still a real person, in touch with real life. But he's been so famous for so long, and from such a young age… let's just say he should be thankful he's not at the Michael Jackson or Tom Cruise stage.

Yeah, they didn't stage anything, but they hand-picked some of his most risque bits, and I'm sure showed only the worst reactions from the subjects.

Funny enough, Eddie plays a dead, rotting mule in Shrek 4…

Brilliant bit, and that was a fantastic disguise, too. I loved how he was egging them on to say bad things about himself.

There was something off about Eddie Murphy in particular. If Conan had never met him, he clearly doesn't go on these shows much, so he might just not be comfortable doing that. But it seemed like he wasn't used to conversing with other human beings, or something. Maybe it's just me.