Gringo Starr

Maybe it's stuff like "societal(/suicidal)" that you Yalies think is clever but really makes you sound like a douchebag.

Yeah, Conan's strength as an interviewer is that, if the guest has something interesting to say, he'll get out of their way. But if they don't, then he'll inject himself into the conversation to liven things up.

I think they need to put Andy back on the couch and out from behind that weird podium thing. I also agree that it'll take him a while to get back into the groove, but once they start doing staring contest/Year 2000-type bits again, we'll be glad he's back on the show.

Letterman didn't have a heart attack, he had a pre-emptive bypass, like President Clinton did. But I agree that bouncing back from stuff - that, 9/11, the shingles infection - gives him a boost of energy. But I think Dave cycles between bored and engaged, and when he's engaged, the show's funny.

Don't forget it took ConeBone a few years to find his legs. I'm not saying Fallon will, but he could. It is a job you can get better at, and he does seem to be working at it.

His hair was a mess, and has been for a while now.

I thought "why is she crying?" was a shout-out to 30 Rock, which did a joke about a giant elderly lesbian roaming the building at night. "Who is this Conan, and why is she so sad?"

Pharoah Monch had the audacity to cover "Welcome To the Terrordome" on his last album, and remarkably, he did it justice.

I'm not convinced that people are more alienated now than they were when most people lived on farms and their neighbors were six miles away.

I've defended Cars many times on here, in large part because my son watched it every day for about half his young life, and I never got sick of it. But I ran into problems when he wanted me to start talking like the characters. Because apart from Sally and Doc, they're just a collection of lazy ethnic stereotypes -

They left off the fisting emoticon!

Too far, phodreaw, too far.

That is some repugnant shark!

Religious fundamentalism is actually back on the downswing, and global population is increasing, but at an ever-slowing rate as birth rates drop in industrialized nations. So there's that.

I got the joke, but both setup and delivery were really labored. I feel like they could have worked in a M*A*S*H reference without having to shoehorn it in quite so hard.

Yeah, is Kwa suddenly big enough to be a 30 Rock guest star? And one of the Beastie Boys? If so, good for him, but that was still unexpected.

Are there lyrics Craig Finn wrote when not stoned/drunk?

Going back a few posts, I believe Shapa was implying she was going to have *Roy*'s baby, not Darrell's. Anyhoo. I'll weight in on the side of appreciating how subtle and well-acted that was.

McHeroin's a bit too upscale for these guys. It'll be McMeth.

I once flew someplace on flight 1313 - I was really surprised the airline would do that. Then I got to my gate - 12B. It was the only gate with a B. They were 10… 11… 12… 12B… 14… 15… It's like they had the 13 at one point, then thought, "hang on…"