
As soon as McCoy injects the dead Tribble (it is no more, it has ceased to be) with the sample of Khan's amazing blood, you must have realised that Kirk was only going to be gone long enough to work Spock up into a  phrenzy righteous enough for him to kick Khan's eugenically enhanced ass- with Uhura's help.

Well, he completely reversed the conversation between Esposito and Ryan for one; it's Ryan that guesses Beckett's pregnant, on account of his missus being sprogged up.
I don't disagree with his (Phil's) general conclusions, but he was certainly writing like a man whose hemorrhoids are giving him some gyp.

Just caught this. It occurred to me that any reasonable person in Beckett's place would have told a long-term partner about such a potentially momentous change.
The only reason one wouldn't is to generate some sort of cheap tension, as though one were trapped in a T.V. show that, despite the charm of its lead, is

Wrong on the Internet
I would be happy to see him figgle her with delicity, if it came to it. They're both very attractive people.

"Don Giovanni, a young, arrogant … (man) abuses
and outrages everyone else in the cast, until he encounters something he
cannot kill, beat up, dodge, or outwit. "

This season of Community is what happens when a bunch of stuffed shirts who understand double entry book keeping and fuck all else decide that the creative individuals who make the stuff that generates their salaries are unimportant. They think all you need is to grab another creative person and tell them to do what

Trains non-erotic? Watch the end of North By Northwest and we'll chat.

Naah, Big Ray was the man; Ellroy is just some fucked up wannabe who thinks muscular prose and terse dialogue will put him in the same league.

I can believe it. Look at Ben Johnson. Started out wranglin' hosses on C list westerns, and gradually matured into an awesome supporting actor who won a well-deserved Oscar (t.m.) for Last Picture Show. I could totally see Big Dwayne getting there.

I just got it a week later, reading your post. And I'm supposed to be the smart one in my family. How do the rest even put food in their mouths unaided?

Am I crazy, or does Quark's speech about being a Ferengi businessman, and following the Rules of Aquisition even when it is painful or inconvienient  to him, seem reminiscent of Jane Eyre's remarks  about "laws and principles" ?

Rancic is just a letter away from rancid.

It may lack the intellectual bite of Bull Durham, but my favourite baseball movie is Major League.
It is such a tight, perfect, entertaining little movie.
Plus, Berenger, Snipes, Sheen et al just seem more convincing as athletes. Tim Robbins looks like the kind malcoordinated schlub  who'd poke himself in the eye trying

Agreed. It's currently my favourite hang out procedural.

Being English, I read "tomato, tomahto" as "tomahto, tomahto", which was odd.

"…and the probable age difference between the two is icky."

I've never seen Clue, but it did remind me of Neil Simon's  Murder By Death, an awesome spoof murder mystery. I thought the butler was going to be blind, and called Bensonmum:

Verdant, viridian, malachite, bice, olive, beryl, chartreuse, vert, jade, lime, smaragdine, whatever.

"The artistic pinnacle of his life will probably remain Buzz Lightyear. "

This may have already been mentioned and I know it's from a Marvel title, but I got a real Daredevil/Electra vibe from Oliver and The Huntress in this episode. I could almost hear Ben Urich's hard boiled copy in their last scene together.