It's not just Monty Python where men dress up as women to hilarious consequences; Music Hall, pantomime and the Carry On movies all went to that well.
I always appreciated Revenge of the Nerds for underlining how fundamentally un-funny it was.
It's not just Monty Python where men dress up as women to hilarious consequences; Music Hall, pantomime and the Carry On movies all went to that well.
I always appreciated Revenge of the Nerds for underlining how fundamentally un-funny it was.
Damn straight. Those are some mighty commendable goods. Hell, I'd trade a couple good pack horses, a mess o' beaver pelts and my second best Hawken gun for 'em.
"Their relationship is built on a struggle of power, of Sherlock’s unwillingness to give it up and Watson’s ability to keep it…"
Crappy recent Community, solid/amusing/emotionally real BBT. I have no problem with the contrast in the latter's favour.
Did anyone else think that some of the cast's iterations (is that the right word? Yeeahh…probably not.) of the Woolowicz paterfamilias' letter seemed to reflect their own personalities to some extent? Or am I just reading too much into a good hearted sitcom that taps into something real once in a while?
"…Then things get creepy during the tag when Leonard and Howard
immediately try to have sex with their girlfriends dressed as pubescent
Does she dye her eyebrows?
That's the second time I've seen Jim (may I call him Jim?) Brolin appear as someone's absentee dad in recent weeks. Last time it was Castle, where he was, frankly, a lot less of an ass.
Schtum is a common term?Darn Sarf, or even in Lahhndan? Only if you're a fan of The Sweeny, mate. And Blaggard is a corruption of the older word "blackguard ", meaning a person of low character. Neither are examples of Thieves cant, as underworld slang used to be called.
You need to listen for words like, Dub the…
"Wait ; do whatever I want, or what I have to want?"
Does anyone else think that, in some way, Holmes' previous dependency issues have now become focussed on Ms. Watson? In that he is somehow replacing Watson for drugs as an augmentation of his abilities. He says himself he is "better" with her, which reminded me of his former dealer's description of how awesome he…
Yeah, someone mentioned this a couple weeks ago, and since then I've really noticed it. He used to have a jawline, but now his mandible appears to just merge into his neck like a sea lion's, sans definition. If it goes on he'll have to grow a beard just to give his lower jaw a demarcation point.
"…a sprawling theory that after five days without sleep somehow involves Napoleon Bonaparte. "
Piper Perabo… mmmmmmmm.
Thank you; I felt that Oliver should've included Diggle in his "people I care for" speech as well. The guy has really been there for him, and seems to understand him better than pretty much anyone else, while being equally buff.
Seriously? Anger Management just re-started and all you want to write about is a couple of celebrity narcissists talking about themselves?
I'm a professional comic book artist and a massive nerd, and I generally enjoy BBT, but I agree that on this occasion they have betrayed what I always thought of as their core audience. They've made jokes about nerd culture previously, but I don't recall it ever feeling like getting a pantsing from some mouthbreather…
Man, I would so install Jane's dimmer switch. I would install the crap out of that bad girl.
" This parrot is no more! It
has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet its maker! This is a late
parrot! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If
you hadn't nailed him to the perch he would be pushing up the daisies!
Its metabolical processes are of interest only to historians! It's hopped the twig!…
"Articulateness"? Sounds kinda clunky. Wouldn't "articulacy" be more felicitous?