Sam L

I got no interest in watching wrestling, but thanks mostly to the comics of the Hernandez Bros, I will voraciously read anything about it. Shit has some bizarre backstage antics going on.

Get back gnashing teeth.

Turn ons: Blondes
Turn offs: Blonds

A well-structured nose on a woman is a real eye opener.

Oh, the list! OK, let's seeā€¦
Inglourious Basterds
Hateful 8
Kill Bill vol. 1
Resevoir Dogs
Django Unchained
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill vol 2

Like the anime in Kill Bill!

Broken link

He even used its leftover music!

They were supposed to have a 4:1 numerical advantage too.

What site do you think you're on?

The Hateful 7 1/2

All the other characters have guns, though.

It makes me thank that Tarantino decided to take gender-blind casting at face value, then deliberately chose the the most inflammatory character to be a woman.

It also plays on an entire American psychosexual tableau about white inferiority regarding black penises and sexuality that has been used against black people since slavery.

If we are taking H8ful to be the story of America, Minnie and the folks in her Haberdashery would be the natives.

Never mind, I read on and found out.

Out of curiosity, what state was this in (if a state?)

You can't rate Death Proof as it's own film- rate it as a part of the Grindhouse package or not at all.

Username/comment synergy at maximum.

Cry hipsters, and let loose the dogs in scarfs!