Sam L

To be fair, when you see a white guy's tattoo, your first instinct is probably not to Google its cultural significance.

USAgent is American enough for three people.

Captain Airstrip One is still available in this continuity!

My Kingdom for an Alpha Flight/Excalibur crossover!

And on the East Coast, we've got four Maines.

Gary Busey in a remake of King Ralph

Fig's acts were more recent and never explicitly paid for. Presumably, Frieda has been paying for her crimes for a long time already.

Yeah, ironically enough, any of the horrible guards could have probably handled that situation without killing someone.

Don't forget the "bury your gays" wildcard.

She's a Wiley one.

"And most importantly, why the hell did no one start CPR on Poussey?? It makes no sense."
Who would have? The guards were too busy "de-escalating" the situation, and the prisoners were being actively impeded by the guards.

Trapped trapped trapped 'til the cage is full

Oh, I get it now! The guards being ex-military is an allegory for an increasingly militarized police force.

I have no doubt that particular weapon will remain a hot topic of conversation for years to come :/

Likability is worth a lot in life.

An Italian?

It's got to be something alarming enough that Caputo would want to sweep her escaping, even for only a few hours, under the rug as quietly as possible.

Weird drive-by at the end there.

I like the way Snrub tastes!

Was he hired, or did he just have a uniform? Genuinely curious.