Jukebox Gyro

Mix-Tape Help!

We've got Mary Tyler Moore in these parts. Bless her, her smile, and her tam o'shanter.

"I had a man offer to take me up The Mander once."

It's Howlin' Reed. He plays the Delta Blues.

Needs more Fancy Ray!

I always like to think about ruling the Seven Kingdoms in terms of building a governing coalition. It's easy to keep everyone in line when you have big dragons. The impressive part was holding the kingdom together for several generations well after the dragons either disappeared or lost any real strength.

That IS a lot of money to save by switching long distance providers.

Nathan Rabin died while returning to his home world.

Where's the ducky tie?

Wait, Wait. My favorites are going to be on another website? I'm cool with that. I will, however, reiterate my demand that ZMF be an occasional contributor.

Phipps, Tobias, Robinson, and ZMF could make for a pretty sweet
website. Heck, I'd even let Leonard Pierce contribute once in a while.

Put an Arrested Development quote on that thing and you've got yourself a deal.

It's called a Hardy Boys when a guy orders it!

Flagged for using "gypped." I think it's still a slur.

Phipps, Tobias and Zodiac could start a pretty sweet website of their own. What the hell, throw in Leonard Pierce, too. He needs a break!

I miss you already, Tobias! You blow hard!

You guys talking about Tobias or what? Hey, is this site skewing younger? Is that the deal?

I've got this theory about people who are really, really against homosexuals…

The driver side door was rusting out of the frame. Like a loose tooth it would wiggle more and more. I decided I would use it only in an emergency. It was (and remains) hilarious.

Well, my Dodge Ares was crumby. But it ran well and was a blast on snow and ice. The white Geo Tracker hard top, on the other hand, was a bucket of bolts. At one point, if I wanted to get out I had to climb over the gear shift, roll down the window, and use the handle from the outside.