
i'd normally find that last fight with a song suddenly coming in corny, but that new siouxsie/reitzell number gave me chills. the only thing i could have wanted more was maybe a final scene for freddy, especially after what happened to chilton. but i am glad we got one last scene from thompson and abrams. thanks for

"Hamurai?! Amish Cyborg?! What is this, '90s Conan?!" was my favorite line of the episode. "Nintendo— give me free stuff!" came close.

amy poehler for jill pill!

i just hope this means denzel's going to show up at some point.

fight club shout-out at the end of that titpuncher piece.

my fave line though was "why was he wearing sunglasses at *night*?!"

kelsey's license plate being "Jane Campion" was a nice touch.

shaw can change her twitter bio to Compact Persian Sociopath (another spin-off i'd watch)

this episode was a damn RIOT. i can't remember another network hour-long show with a 20+ episode order that had a consistently strong season. even though it had the requisite feels, it was probably the funniest episode yet. i mean, jaime camil is already season MVP, but that dance he did to celebrate santos (… and his

this was directed by jared harris! so i like to think the ghost of pryce was hanging over the appropriate proceedings. last time the gang tried something like this, after all, it led to scd&p.

this show's writers are the best jugglers in the world.

how could jane seymour resist TWO VARIETIES OF SMOKED MEATS?!

i would totally watch a spin-off show called Glasses & Cocoa Puffs.

"on her deathbed."

"i asked for a do-over and got a doo-doo-over (boom, still got it)."

i've loved mel rodriguez since he was the best thing on running wilde so i'm glad he's now part of this.

"i take my craft very seriously… which you can see by my use of the word 'craft.'"

best thing this episode was adam exploding "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" a glorious moment of character/audience synchronicity.

i liked that bit where garnet pulls pearl from the door

once i saw what the opener was setting up i thought "this should be interesting," and then they deliver the best episode yet. still funny, but maybe more impactful because it hits harder? (and home)