
I dunno, she's really into angry unicorns right now

Hey, Fitz was pretty funny too. Even among a sea of mind-controlled lackeys, he took servitude to an entirely different level while working for Lorelei, and his "I know why you had to punch me, and I forgive you" followed by Coulson's immediate dismissal was hilarious.

I didn't even realize how strange it was for them to have a censored word in the episode until about 10 minutes ago, but that just made me appreciate the episode so much more.

Wasn't that simulation Morty? Or am I getting my episodes mixed up?

A for sure, this episode was streets ahead

If we're going to get technical, PB makes the laws so everything she does sort of sets the basis for laws. Or maybe I'm just thinking that the Candy Kingdom assumes some sort of divine right. At the very least, no one seems to challenge PB's rules and no one else seems to be making laws, which makes her judge, jury

"Taste it, scrub!" was line of the night for me.

Did anyone find it a little weird/ architecturally illogical that the testing room was right in front of a hallway window? Awkward.

Well, given that we know she's a bad guy even if she's just adhering to the traditional role of Isabel Rochev and that she's slept with the millionaire superhero while he was unaware of her true malice, I think we can already start drawing the comparisons.

NON-NEGOTIABLE sort of made me cheer, which was odd considering how little investment I have in Tom's thinking pj's.

Sounds like more of a Heisenberg route, then

Also, them being bros and having vodka at the end was pretty cool.
But that "I don't know… but I really need a drink" line kind of ruined it for me. OLIVER, YOU ARE DIRECTLY BENEATH A BAR THAT YOU OWN. WHY ARE YOU WASTING THE SPECIAL DRINK

We're talking about Talia, right? Oh man, Talia could be so badass in this episode. Also, I don't know what the plan is with Isabel Rochev, and i know it's not really consistent with Green Arrow lore, but I would be OK with it being revealed she was actually Talia. Totally OK with it

Was the Huntress plot shitty, though? The actress was terrible, but the character seemed interesting. I'd be interested to know what she's been up to since the earthquake, though I'm not sure if I want to retread the whole "Oliver trying to save someone who's clearly not salvageable" thing any time soon (even if he

Ugh, this entire plot about hiding up Nick's murder makes no legal sense. No reasonable court would find him guilty, since he had literally no control over his own actions. There are precedents like that already — hell, I've heard a case of a guy who killed his parents while sleepwalking, and he was not convicted for

No, he was definitely the guy standing on top of the building. That quick shot of him standing on top of the road looking down at Finn and Alex was some not-so-subtle foreshadowing. Possible villain? We'll see.

Hearing Prubs tell B-MO that public indecency is a relatively minor offence made me laugh unreasonably hard. The absurdity of the situation and the inadvertent message to kids that it isn't that bad to go streaking did a number on me.

That was only a year ago…

"This is unsatisfying!"
"Zip it!"

I liked it. Obviously he's taking out his anger on them rather than himself because he's in denial, and this is just part of the process he'll have to go through to be a better person. You could see the hurt in his eyes. The scene was fantastic even if what he's doing is bad.