
She's in the movie for a short few scenes. She's also excessively over-the-top. If you found her performance worthy, then Charlotte Robbie equally deserves a nomination — despite being from Australia, her accent sounded more authentic

This movie is no masterpiece but it's far from a piece of turd. Rush's performance is extraordinary in this film. Certified Copy is a completely different tone tackling a similar tone. While they work on a similar concept, they leave the viewer with different emotions.

This is nothing like As Good as it Gets.

I've seen both films and the Legend of 1900 is definitely an English language film. It's a glaring oversight on the part of the reviewer.

This movie was too self-righteous. 

This movie was too self-righteous. 

I can't say he was "desired" by everyone. He certainly didn't change his teacher's life,as the teacher admits to being a better teacher than writer and his wife prefers Pittsburgh to NYC.

I can't say he was "desired" by everyone. He certainly didn't change his teacher's life,as the teacher admits to being a better teacher than writer and his wife prefers Pittsburgh to NYC.

The "mental illness" component was quite necessary as it explains his social anxiety including his blackouts.. The third act was phenomenal.

The "mental illness" component was quite necessary as it explains his social anxiety including his blackouts.. The third act was phenomenal.

it's an Iranian/Turkic last name.. pronounced ba̅tma̅n .. baatmaan

Having torrented a lot of these films, The Hunt is probably the best. It will be on many top ten lists of  2013.

The first act was interesting as we were questioning the mental health of the main protagonist.. It would've been a great idea to discuss an adjustment disorder or a psychotic depression. Sadly, It gets more bizarre and even more ridiculous thereafter. This movie's third act is implausible and largely incoherent.

They did not have sex. He freaked out by a simple touch. The next day he was clearly out of tune, disoriented, and numb. I am further supported by the book where he freaks out and sleeps on the couch until the next day.

They did not have sex. He freaked out by a simple touch. The next day he was clearly out of tune, disoriented, and numb. I am further supported by the book where he freaks out and sleeps on the couch until the next day.

I absolutely loved the ending. I thought it was unexpected and really encapsulated the idea of a mental illness. I really was expecting a ROMCOM ending

I absolutely loved the ending. I thought it was unexpected and really encapsulated the idea of a mental illness. I really was expecting a ROMCOM ending