
'Patterson. Get in here…'

Definitely. I knew nothing about the behind the scenes stuff either and all I thought was that the last few minutes made no sense - but as you say they could easily explain that in the first minute of season 3 so no problem.

This year on Flash/Arrow they aborted baby Sara at maybe 2 years of age?

capon, aurochs, many and more, much and more, doublet, breeches, destrier - but I have to say the most used phrase, as alluded to above, is the whole 'that grease runs down his chin' motif, that is everywhere - rich or poor, everyone eats like Ruprecht from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (suddenly Lord Beric's patch makes

Miscast Southern Belle was her speciality there for a while. Her turn as Rogue was SO bad it killed about 3 or 4 characters for me in those X Men movies, just by association.

It's not bad, really. Cavanagh is barely in it, as I recall. It's very much Routh/Cook/Lotz, and the whole thing has a 10 Cloverfield Lane vibe, but without the 'well it's a Cloverfield film so obviously I know where this is going' aspect.

I really think the differences between S1 and S2 are barely noticeable - it was a good show then and still is.

If Coulter is a great Luke Cage - and his turn on JJ did nothing to suggest otherwise - then something is wrong with either the character or the writing because he was drab and boring in his own show.

12 'A's and an 'F' when the white cop kills that Hispanic guy on the bridge.

Not enough black people and Sara's bisexuality wasn't covered seriously enough, duh!

Ah, VanDerWerffing - it's a big thing around here.

I was happy when it ended, if that helps.

Trust me, if it was there this website's reviewers would have explored it in excruciating detail.

That English accent was SO bad it put a minus straight next to the A in my book. Kathy Bates still has the 'best actress who can't do accents to save her life' award locked up for this year though, to go with her one from Coven.

Druid Lady Gaga was the actress representing the spirit that actually exists in the woods, don't forget. What actually turns up to 'save' him might be a hell of a lot worse….

'Kathy Bates’ accent is a little clumsy'??

They definitely could have finished at 6, taken a break and come back with another 6.

'It’s also nearly impossible to determine just how isolated these events
are, because while there are sites devoted to releasing weekly box
office revenues, there somehow isn’t such a mechanism in place for
compiling reports of police misconduct.'

Done brilliantly on Lois and Clark, just good old fashioned loving parents and their devoted superhero son

Why is it that people moan every week about Raw being 3 hours to SD's 2, then come into the comments and all they talk about is Talking Smack? If the last hour of Raw was a talk show about the previous 2 hours would that make it ok?