
When I saw him in the football pads I thought chubby Glen had lost the baby fat and beefed up a bit. But then seeing him sans pads…well, there was beef all right, but in all the wrong places.

It was odd when Sally threw the boondoggle across the room and exclaimed loudly: "I made like a finnity of those at scout camp!"

Two guy friends jerking off in close proximity to one another was best captured on "Curb Your Enthusiasm" as "An Auto-Focus party." You need to see the movie "Auto-Focus" to get it. So go see it! But prepare to be creeped out.


Or just go back to reading your Science Fiction novels and debating the physics and battle tactics with your buddies.

If you don't have an emotional connection to the characters by now and this episode didn't move you…go blow a yak.

When did JJ ABRAMS sign off on the show?
Why no mention of him at all in the finale? In fact, I haven't heard anything about his involvement with Lost in YEARS.

RABIN, why'd you remove my post about how I despise your reviews?
Can't handle a little dissent?

Nice mentions, peeps! @A. Salieri, sorry but time has proven Bon Jovi to be a winner. I always liked certain songs, like Bad Medicine and Dead or Alive but admitted in general they were pretty corny, but now I'm like "they are what they are, they're not hurting anyone and they've got some nice riffs so just chill

TV isn't free if you have a cable provider, which most people do. And you need a cable provider to use a dvr, right? I mean a dvr hooked up to a tv that's only rocking one of those converter boxes is kinda silly. Even if you don't and you have a converter box to take your righteous stand and truly get your content

That Ron Shelton "tangential aside" is the worst thing I've ever read in an AV club review.
It's bad on so many levels I won't even bother to list them all lest I leave some out. I officially DESPISE Rabin's reviews.

Speaking of hair metal from late 80s/early 90s…
I've been watching a lot of it on youtube lately to see if the songs I liked back then were truly awful (e.g., White Lion's "Little Fighter" and "When the Children Cry") or actually still f''in cool (Kix "Girl Money" Tesla "Love Song" Skid Row: at least 5 songs that kick

Has no one mentioned when he hit the solid curtain thing with his head on the MTV awards…?
…or did I just miss it? (and was it the VMAs or the Movie Awards or the Country Music festival of lights? I dunno)

"Here ya go, Bret Michaels."

You're a pimp. You've won me over. Tell us where you are located so you can get some business out of these crazy internets.

Mom and Pop, I was about to throw some love your way and tell you to hang in there, but seriously, your biz has been going the way of the dodo for…10-15 years? What person under the age of 30 (40?) does not use a service like Netflix or do digital downloads?* Get…out…now.

Congratulations, that is the worst post ever and looking at your past comments, you are the biggest f'in idiot on this site. Now go crawl back into whatever frat house you emerged from, slam some pbr and watch dvr'd college football, Kev.

Did anyone notice Neytiri's boobs got bigger after sex?
Fact. They were fuller. As was my crotchal region. Hey, I'll see you at the scream queen con.

Did you notice he's WEARING ALL BLACK WITH A BLACK BACKDROP?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summer of '93, sweltering in a dorm with no air conditioning in NYC, hearing this and wanting to put my fist through the wall it was so hard core.