
Don't start with his book, "And the Ass Saw the Angel," although work it in sometime later. It's when I started my toenail collection.

My wife has banned me from certain movies, because I wake up screaming or running. She's terrified of waking me up when I start making noises.

I saw BWP in a packed theater with a buddy and his then-girlfriend. He thought it was boring, but I think I was on her lap by the time it was over.
That last scene …. wow.

The woman walking past the bathroom as he's taking a piss gets me every time, at least every time I take a piss at night.

Wow. Salem's damned Lot.

A long, proud line
Felix went to the same high school as Tom Berenger, Kim Thayill, Bruce Pavitt, and … me.

Interesting point, though, from both Claire and Tasha that you can be less critical later on in life if you accepted something openly as a kid. I find myself groaning often at some of Stephen King's plot points, dialog, etc. .. but I started on him in Junior High and so now the groans pass and I stick with him.

Oh Og!

Anytime I drink …
I go with this from "Never Give a Sucker an Even Break:"

@dougery — Good point. I think Oly, at one point, talks about how they put up the carnival around them, and she never remembers what town they were in when.

The other thing I remembered after posting is that Lick says Miranda has "made the tail erotic rather than a disfigurement. Maybe I'll stop with that."

Ms. Lick
Maybe I missed something, but …

What about the killing of Ms. Lick as the ending?

Is there a word for the sound Wii makes when you step onto the scale — kinda of "my-god-he's-huge-but-I-must-be-polite-while-still-communicating-my-horror"?

lex: Good history summary, but don't forget that OTHER Chicago sound, arguably more influential than Al Jourgensen: House music, especially its DJs (Frankie Knuckles, Keith Farley, etc), altered the dance face of Europe (and was then sold back to us, not unlike how Blues came back to the U.S. after being exported to

Premptive walkout, no Watchmen content
When "Crouching Tiger" came out, I was standing in a long line. As I got closer, I realized the guy selling tickets was explaining the same thing over and over: "This movie has subtitles." I laughed, until a man a few people ahead of me expressed the kind of outrage usually saved

On the talking box
One thing they apparently will be doing is DJing on XRT tonight. Could be interesting, if for no other reason than they might play something OTHER than U2, which is what XRT has been doing all day.

A couple of dicks
Putting "dick" in the title could have been promising — "Dick" and "The Bank Dick" are both funny movies.

I liked the brief moment when Echo shined the spotlight right on the Edge, who was — in deference to his extreme humility — uncredited.

Yeah, "Stuart" exceeded my expectations as well. Not that those expectations were high or even medium. Geez, whatever happened to that Franken fella?