
My understanding - it's been a bit since I've read the book, so YMMV - was that it wasn't about *alien* genocide.  That was the unexpected side effect, as far as Ender was concerned - in fact, that was the entire point of the immediate sequels - Ender trying to overcome his personal guilt.

Thanks, man.  A pop reference I haven't heard in over 20 years.  Now I'm gonna have to dredge my parent's basement for the old specials.

I just finished the recent reality TV / UN Justice League series - it was okay, but it got bogged down in the foreign war storyline.  They did create some worthwhile new characters, but like Ajax, I missed the old school Aces; it was cool to see Cap'n Tripps pop up at the end, even if for a chapter.

That, and Burton was purposefully made to be an antihero.  Well, not antihero, but non-hero?  That despite being the obvious lead, he is totally ineffective.  Until the very end when he throws the dagger into Lo Pan, he does nothing but (awesomely) bluster and swagger.  (And even the dagger was almost a failure)

I did try it.  Scrawny made a bad Jack Burton.

Yes - that's a good call.  Loved that show so much, but Dick just grates on me.

Exactly - he won.  His manhood, his power - which has been crushed all season - has been returned to him.  No way he's not using and abusing the new circumstances.

Maybe they've all got cancer?

A friend from the Chicago suburbs does the same.

Oh, man, I *loved* that movie!  And wasn't there a sequel??  The world went all golden-yellow when time was stopped, right?

Cat's Eye (or Catseye?) - similar multi-King story setup. He plays the guy with a fear of heights crawling along a ledge. He (inadvertently) signed up for the Mob's new method to quit smoking, where they strong-arm you into it.

I wasn't watching it at all until it built up a lot of love on the AV boards.  I went back and checked it out when it came up on Netflix.

Agreed with people above and below - the CGI that we see on TV can be pretty good - until it has to interact with people in the foreground.

Okay, I'll bite:

The point of my comment being: No, I don't think they should be more famous then they are.  I would *love* it, but I recognize they are a niche band.  They have a dedicated fan base, especially in the Auburn area, but when they toured they alternatively played sold out and half-empty venues.  When they played SxSW two

True, ALL CAPS, true.  I guess I'm saying it takes a while for a schtick to go from annoying —> endearing, and ALL CAPS in and of itself is a toughie.  It's a wearying road you have chosen, and the prize at the end has been won already by another.

They were?  That's good to know.  On the classic rock stations, they only get the two songs in rotation.

Fountains of Wayne

I am a MoAM fanatic - a drooling fanatic, the "own every record and track down live recordings" type. (Not proud of that).  So freaking happy they are touring again.

I dunno - I like CAKE, but I never heard them get *any* airplay until I moved to Austin.  I think they only get respect on true college stations - the indie-ish stations we have down here only play the Satan & Long Skirt songs in rotation (sorry, don't have their playlist memorized).