RE: Peggy
RE: Peggy
Oh, and Betty:
Leela was the one stung by the bee and it was all a coma-induced dream!
I guess it's all just a plot to get me to buy Season 1 on DVD…
See, I was thinking the rape scenario, too, but I couldn't remember enough about the botched Sarkassian deal at the end of last season to be sure.
"The Whole Thing"
Towards the end of the episode, Sarah and John's uncle kept asking, with heavy tones, if John saw "the whole thing".
Skin by Shelly Jackson
Probably nobody's paying attention to this thread anymore, but I don't think this was mentioned anywhere upstream:
I happened to watch the pilot episode again a night or two ago:
Gotta admit, all of the music video stuff went right over my head, even though I rewound twice to try to catch what was going on with Doc's "Is that the guy from the Buggles?" line.
BBC production, I think. (Neverwhere)
Notice the (no set release date) . . . even they have their doubts and are hedging their bets . . .
yeah, that did have a bit of fanboy drool on it, huh?
Paul Slocum = Tree Wave
Paul Slocum has an alter ego as a band called Tree Wave (his girlfriend is the singer and only other member, but she hasn't been performing for a while b/c of school).
I still remember the original Christmas Card being forwarded around, way back when. How far they've come.
Loved Heartbreaking Work - although second time around, a bunch of friends in a book club pointed out that the first chapter really is the best part of the book, and the rest coasts along behind it on the emotions from there - and apparently it causes very split love/hate opinions about the book.
Books You Never Start (but Want to)
In kind of an inverse of the question, are there any books out there that you *know* you want to start, but never do? (usually, in my case, b/c I *don't* want to leave them unfinished - that's pretty much the death of a book.)
(okay, think I waited long enough for my stuff to not double-post)
Stumbled across these links that seemed to explain the Casimir effect and what it can do in *fairly* lay terms. This seems to be a "what's the science in SF?" site. It is mostly about FTL travel and wormholes, and doesn't go much into timetravel, but . . .
Oh, Man, I *really* hope that I'm reading too much into Nathan asking us to look for a disappointment over the weekend and using the word "GIANT" twice like that . . .