
Seconding Marionette. That was the first episode I thought of.

The Prisoner has probably my favorite ending to any show ever. Those last two episodes are perfect.

I do find it odd that Walt got everything he wanted in the finale. It seemed more like a vindication than a rebuttal of his lifestyle. It played out like a fantasy of how Walter White would have wanted to die.

I actually found the Breaking Bad finale way more ambiguous and open-ended. Was Walt redeemed? Did he die a hero? Was God trying to help him? For what purpose? Did he really die in New Hampshire? I think the more we ponder and discuss this final episode, the more controversial it will become.

I clicked on the link just so I could see this comment.

So did I. It would have been an amazing callback.

"I'm tellin' you, I didn't mean to KILL the guy!"

I had a dream that I was trying to convince someone what an AMAZING episode Granite State was.

You're a Dexter writer, aren't you?

It is kind of odd how Walt got everything he wanted in the finale and flitted through the screen like a ghost. I'm surprised no one has yet argued that he actually died in New Hampshire and these are the last, flickering images that played across his mind's eye as he languished away in his cabin.

Dexter? I thought Sean was referring to Aragorn.

But he has gone through penance, first by losing Hank and then by spending what seemed like an eternity in the purgatorial snows of New Hampshire.

"Because like it or not, something like God exists in the Breaking Bad universe."

Still doing eighty miles an hour down the highway, Jesse sees a stop sign and brakes bad.

@avclub-664604d70bd60f1f888ec66fe5f9c583:disqus Yeah, I can just imagine the conversation in the writer's room when Gilligan proposed this ending.

♫ Bad cops, bad cops
Bad cops, bad cops ♫

I loved that Walt killed him in the middle of a sentence, just as he had done to Hank.

@avclub-53ef3f6607f8a9d210d7ceb6c2eab5e8:disqus, you give me hope.

Agreed with Newton. That was the writers' way of showing us the kind of life Jesse would pursue after the credits rolled.

From beginning to end, the music was perfect.