
Oh, easy. I would have sex with Ryan, because he is in business school.

I have been Michael’s number two guy for about five years, and we make a great team. We're like one of those classic famous teams. He’s like Mozart, and I’m like… Mozart's friend. No… I’m like Butch Cassidy, and Michael is like… Mozart. You try and hurt Mozart? You're gonna get a bullet in your head, courtesy of Butch

Do you really think you can go all day?

Now are we complete.

Oh sorry, I meant "Treehouse of Horror V" - the one coming up!

I love AnotherCookieMonster's hilarious attempts to slip in the occasional joke without us noticing that it's not the real Cookie Monster

Hey, why does everyone love the NSA?

Without question, this is the funniest and greatest Treehouse of Horror

and a darned good one, at that

Good stuff!

Hmmm… chair's a bit lumpy.

Hmmm… chair's a bit lumpy.

I agree with this, and Ray Bradbury is one of my favorite writers. Great movie, terrible book.

Liked, for Natalie would?

Liked for Natalie Wood

"Death Ship" is amazing, and Season 5 is still one of my favorite seasons.

This is true. With all due respect to other monsters, you're still the only monster in this forum who SOUNDS like a cookie monster.

Dude, this is like the ultimate Pixar / FRINGE mashup.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… strike three."

Or "Louie"