DJ Jim0

I think of it as the one that had too many songs on Boston radio back in the 90's. I never liked the Bosstones.

Which is funny because in the Sebadoh days, Lou seemed pretty miserable onstage every time I saw them.

The lede seems buried. that dog is playing Retreat From The Sun!

As a Masschusetts resident, I would give a wide berth to a town named Lovecraft. And I say that as somone who has spent entirely too much time in Worcester.

Sounds cool. Best of luck!

That's pretty cool. I'd be very impressed by a Bowie cover band pulling off a lot of the stuff from the Berlin records.

I see now that it's available on vinyl but it looks like the cd is still a pretty expensive buy. Guess I should get my turntable back in service.

You're in a cover band that plays Warszawa? That is a much deeper cut than the average cover band goes for.

You had never heard Blood On The Tracks before? I kind of envy you being able to hear that with fresh ears. I've listened to it so many times over the years that I probably take for granted what an incredible album it is.

Then I shall continue to not hear him. Haha. Thanks.

Did Jack Lee ever make any decent music outside of the Nerves? I've only ever heard other stuff by Case and Collins.

I tried getting tix to that Garden show to no avail. Luckily, I had already seen him in 97 so it didn't become an all-time regret type of show.

"Rules" from Sleepy Eyed remains one of my all-time favorite crank the car stereo songs.

What's holding up a reissue of Lick My Decals Off, Baby? I've had a cd of the tracks that I got off some Napster-like service well over a decade ago but have never seen a new version commercially available.

Frajer? Really? I should throw tossed salad and scrambled eggs at you.

It seems a testament to Michael McKean's awesomeness that he's been able to stand working with Guest and Shearer over the years as they both seem to be monumental assholes.

I dunno. After the Cape Feare episode, every Simpsons fan I knew back then thought any Sideshow Bob appearance was a guaranteed classic.

I saw Heathers and that was that. Then when I heard about how she was a huge Replacements fan, my heart was forever hers.

Agreed. Mine lasted almost 10 years which was great but I'd buy another in a second if I could.

Winona. Forever. Hey, that'd make a fine tattoo!