that cold mountain wasn't too bad neither
that cold mountain wasn't too bad neither
How dare the author write about things in the non-gay way he perceived them.
he was most likely referring to your avatar's love for firing his side-arms.
Britney's new look was my least favorite episode until i saw human centiPad.
Almost every "funny" commercial follows the formula outlined by humor-bot.
"Sportsdome" is funny enough, but 30 minutes at a time is a bit much. It should have been a segment on ONN, however that's on a different channel.
The Notebook? That was my shit!
and then…
I put on my wizard hat and robe and casted lvl 1000 cock of the infinite!
sometimes they'll even try to trick you:
cancerono has now officially replaced canceraids.
mostly, they talk about the previous night's "Simian Idol."
@zilcho So that's why that guy looks familiar. Awesome. Almost as awesome as Rob McElheney's guest spot.
the double-down is not nearly as vomit-inducing as the Pacific Shrimp Taco from Taco Bell. I've heard it comes with lots of mayo.
like yourself!
would you ask Tom Petty that?
it looks like someone just asked Curtis if he'd like to spend a pleasant Sunday afternoon antiquing.
^^^ I think of that line every time someone makes a comment like the OP's
I've always maintained that someday I'm going to Utah on a mission of common sense.
wrong thread