
Sansa: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Theon: Aim for the bushes . . .

Balon: "What is dead may never die … because he has been completely forgotten."

Kerry Ingram should win an award for that scene. She was really on fire this episode.

So is Varys still in that brothel waiting for Tyrion to be done pissing?

Stannis for father of the year in Westeros!

Greatest jaws in Christendom amirite?

Bourbons came out of that war in good shape all things considered. The rest of Europe was also spared the Franco-Spanish fusion. Win-win for everyone I guess.

Good enough to not be pawns of Louis XIV.

"Chimp with a machine gun" That was just cruel.

I guess that 100k is going up a magic flute.

Hamlindigo … genius.

So who's got a worse voice mail message, Jesse or the Kettlemans?

Cranston's so going to get an emmy for that ad.

It's pronounced 'O-bummer'.

The (ex)Pope

Good Bye Todd. Excellent work.

Happy Father's Day Tywin!

I thought Movember was just a Toronto thing and more people would get the reference if it was "no shave november". Guess not.

I see the governor really committed himself to No-Shave November

You would think that they would have learned to keep those prison cell doors locked. That might have prevented some of this.