
If we are talking about unsung Nolte greatness than his turn as Bruce Banner's father in The Hulk must be mentioned.

I wanted to scan the comments to see if anyone had something to say about the "ordinary experience" of talking to air-traffic control (ostensibly while flying one's own plane), but I simply couldn't stand any more of Juanito's comments. I don't think I have ever encountered a more irritating writing style.

I agree with almost everything here, especially how fakey fake everything seemed. It created an incredibly inconsistent tone. Was it suppsoed to be gritty and realistic, or a parody?

Ratatoille was cute at times, not much else. Touching when the critic revisited his youth, I'll give yout hat.

Put me down for King of Kong. This movie moved me. It belongs in the Top 50 easily, maybe even in my top 10.

Beach Boys most overrated? Not even close. I'm not even sure they are overrated at all. Pet Sounds really IS that good, and there are many people who don't appreciate the Beach Boys as anything but hitmakers.


"We had shared it all—the hardships, the explosions, the anger.."
best eulogizing comment ever?

NIGHTMARE BRAT: "In the movie, Kubrick purposely set out to get the most annoying whiny, pathetic job from Wendy. He turned her into somebody you couldn't tolerate to be around for a whole winter. She's clearly dumber than Jack, certainly more subservient, and likely to not stand up for herself in action or opinion.

"I've been in traffic longer than Steve Winwood"?
I definitely see the Salinger influence.