Guy Caballero

MOTHER FUCKING JUSTIFIED!!! I dont care if it was 15 seconds, i jumped up for it.

MOTHER FUCKING JUSTIFIED!!! I dont care if it was 15 seconds, i jumped up for it.

i think there relationshop this season is tied to last season when Clay gace Juice the Men of Mayhem patch

i think there relationshop this season is tied to last season when Clay gace Juice the Men of Mayhem patch

No Distinguished Gentleman? Pfft.

No Distinguished Gentleman? Pfft.

Mohr was going to do his podcast on Carolla's network but he eventually decided to start his own network (or he joined with Kevin Smith). Never seemed to be any animosity over it.

Mohr was going to do his podcast on Carolla's network but he eventually decided to start his own network (or he joined with Kevin Smith). Never seemed to be any animosity over it.

Raffi is awesome as always.

Raffi is awesome as always.

damn you @JudgeReinhold:disqus for being right about RC. oh well at least we get to her cleaned up every week on the jury.

damn you @JudgeReinhold:disqus for being right about RC. oh well at least we get to her cleaned up every week on the jury.

"hello survivor poducers, I am the famous @JudgeReinhold:disqus of the AV Club comment section. Im here to make friends and avoid changing diapers"

"hello survivor poducers, I am the famous @JudgeReinhold:disqus of the AV Club comment section. Im here to make friends and avoid changing diapers"

there is deleted scene on the CBS website showing the tribe naming. its a joke on the amount of rain they went through. the tribe came up with it.

there is deleted scene on the CBS website showing the tribe naming. its a joke on the amount of rain they went through. the tribe came up with it.

the only interesting thing about him i have heard is that he pissed off the females in the beginning becasue he always wanted them to sit out challenges without discussion. He whined a lot about hunger as well

the only interesting thing about him i have heard is that he pissed off the females in the beginning becasue he always wanted them to sit out challenges without discussion. He whined a lot about hunger as well

voted out kalabaw memebrs have said he was basically tied to Jeff the whole time. They didint know what to make of him either

voted out kalabaw memebrs have said he was basically tied to Jeff the whole time. They didint know what to make of him either