Guy Caballero

i felt that reed's brat comment was more playful than mean. Bae-lor was sassing him a bit so he gave some back to her.
and please never ever, ever go to downtown Orlando with the Drewche Bros

Peter Facinelli is the poor man's Tom Cruise
Jon is the homeless man's Tom Cruise

Jon pissed me off for irrational reason: how the hell you going to let Jeremy give you his reward, send him to Exile on a wild goose chase and then vote him out because he figured it out? I get it as gameplay reason but when have they followed gameplay this season? they flipped on Wes, Keith and Alec because they

my assumption is that any sex happening on the island would involve a married or dating couple because I don't see strangers hooking up because of how gross everyone becomes .

has there ever been confirmed on island coitus? John and Jaclyn have to be getting it on right? despite how gross it might be

hot bods were the only reason to watch this episode

So Dale is basically a top 4 lock now?

So is Kelley actually a Survivor genius or was that Drew's perception?
I think Keith is just clueless, not malicious. like he was just thinking out loud about the idol among "friends" (since they haven't gone to tribal yet).
I was rooting so hard for Probst to drop the idol in the water

that too

I wonder how much Jeremy knew about Exile Island when he sent Keith to "protect" his wife. no one been there before.

most stoned watching Survivor. nothing made sense because its the first episode and knew nothing about the new cast

that was the most stoned ive ever been while watching Survivor. it didn't help.

new lineup: Baylor, Keith, Kelley, Jeremy

they feel like safe picks to go deep in the game, though probably not winning

Dale, Nadiya, Kelley, Keith

I prefer "Parade of people who did not win"

Question- Woo did not break a rule when he took Spencer's clue?

"Awkward looking, yet strong" could have been a good episode title


legal drinking age in Philippines in 18
(just saying)