Guy Caballero

you and me @JudgeReinhold:disqus  final two!!

you and me @JudgeReinhold:disqus  final two!!

pretty sure that Zane is the son/nephew of Ralph from Boston Rob's Redemption Isalnd

pretty sure that Zane is the son/nephew of Ralph from Boston Rob's Redemption Isalnd

Wes is a prick but I didnt want him to get eliminated first.

Wes is a prick but I didnt want him to get eliminated first.

Did anyone figure out from the SNL Flops article if Bent Not Broken is Hill or Weingrad? would like him to comment here too

Did anyone figure out from the SNL Flops article if Bent Not Broken is Hill or Weingrad? would like him to comment here too

mini church lady

mini church lady

lord and lady douchebag belongs on that list

lord and lady douchebag belongs on that list

Eli Manning was good. The texting sketch in particular.

Eli Manning was good. The texting sketch in particular.

Let me pull a few up that no one has mentioned:

Let me pull a few up that no one has mentioned:

never went anywhere? killing the cat showed how deep he was getting into the killer's mind. i suppose they could have made dutch a serial killer but that seems like a bad idea.

never went anywhere? killing the cat showed how deep he was getting into the killer's mind. i suppose they could have made dutch a serial killer but that seems like a bad idea.

I do closed captioning as well becasue the dialouge requires high volume but then they have a car chase or shootout that wakes up everyone else in my home.

I do closed captioning as well becasue the dialouge requires high volume but then they have a car chase or shootout that wakes up everyone else in my home.