
Or the Graduate 2 as promised in The Player…

The Sarah McClaughlin like is kind of retro cool, I was a bit disappointed with the Beyonce mention..

I recall where she had packed her stuff and was just about to do that..

The man wrote some gorgeous purple prose…

I may make witherspoonosity a screen name…

and the bippin' and the boppin'

Yes, it looks like Storm Front seemed to be down, so people came over to YouTube

Are there other kinds of Cracked articles?

Agreed, One Fine Day is a perfect song..

No shit..

My Winnipeg is amazing for many reasons..

Lee Marvin's service as a Marine during the brutal WWII Pacific campaign puts him in the top rank of authentic tough guys…

Hitchcock understood this perfectly, as per Psycho…

She can write a scathing song about it when it runs away

All I know is I like bootblacking VERY MUCH!

Along with most heterosexual men…

The correct answer for the best Jennifer Aniston role is the sex crazed dentist in Horrible Bosses…

From the Wikipedia article:

At a former job, I was talking about the contributions of Tesla to two co-workers who happened to be Croatian. They both expressed their dislike of Tesla due to his Serbian background, and would not listen to anything positive about him….

Move the music back a few decades and you could also be describing Howard Roarke..