shaken not stirred

I feel like my entire twenties was spent listening to white guys passing judgement on music. I don't drink or do the same drugs I did back then, so it's a lot less tolerable than it used to be

I've read enough bad spy thrillers in my life to secretly hope that there's a person at the WH in some nominal position, whose real job is to assassinate Don Cheeto should we reach the brink of nuclear disaster.

I mean, I'm generally up for getting drunk and being numb as possible. Not sure I can get drunker and number, but I'm happy to give it the old college try.

I don't think they were hidden terribly well, if at all

I would say it's because you have to actually be hired to be a writer in television. Whereas you 'hire yourself', so to speak, to write a book. Being published after that is, of course, another matter altogether.

Well Died Pretty's Doughboy Hollow (my personal favourite) and Radio Birdman haven't featured yet and they're both very highly regarded, so I'm expecting them to appear.

Perhaps, but Newtown, Paddington and Melbourne hardly constitute the whole of Australia.

Australian youth network radio station, Triple J is currently playing it listener voted list of 100 Hottest Australian albums of all time. Since I Left You has come in at 9. A lot of people obviously voted for it (and not all of them were Australian) so I'm pretty sure that takes it out of the realms of obscurity.