Mr Majestyk

I've never really responded to the way Iggy writes about movies. He's clearly very articulate and insanely knowledgable and passionate, but nothing he ever says about a movie makes me want to see it. It's like, "The style is…cubist? And that's…good, I guess?"

Kids definitely recognize the rhythms of jokes before they recognize what makes them funny. The other day, a friend's kid told me a dozen knock-knock jokes that just consisted of her inserting the names of random objects into the template, with no attempt at a punchline. "Knock knock! Who's there? Table! Table who?

I'm turning 40 in less than a month. I'm looking forward to many years of finding/not finding all kinds of crap in the fridge.

Was it in there? Because that might be worse.

Sexgasm? I thought that place closed down!

Did you check the fridge? That's where I left the remote one time and now I always look there.

Sexism? In Hollywood? The hell you say!

Blade II-quila

This tequila sounds a lot like his movies, in that it's probably more fun to hear him describe it than it is to actually consume it.

I'm terrified of meeting Bill Murray. I know I'd try to be funny in front of him and I'd fail miserably and I'd never let myself forget it.

New York wanted too much money. They had to recast with a cheaper actor. Luckily, Sofia, Bulgaria, was available.

I watched them both a few weeks ago and didn't think they'd aged particularly well. The cast is still great but the tone feels kind of slight and sitcom-y, which makes it hard to build up any atmosphere. I'll miss Perlman, Blair, and Jones but I don't mind losing the world around them.


Oh fuck off.

You made the right call. It's at 79. He considers it "an unhappy listening experience."

"Fearless" is a solid pick.

"Summer '68" might be their most underrated song.

Seriously? "Wish You Were Here"? What's his favorite kind of pizza? Plain?

Remember when investigators solved mysteries because it was their job and not to redeem their own tragic backstories?

I think you're drastically overestimating the amount of money an old school rapper could make. He was part of a six-man group whose last hit was like 35 years ago. And he wasn't even on it. Even Grandmaster Flash barely made any money and his name was on the group.