Mr Majestyk

You are the son of God and you're from space. If not you, who?

I'm going by BIG BABY MAJEEZUS now.

Couple years ago. There was a press release.

I almost went with Willis, but the difference is that Willis is bored to death and taking any job that comes his way, whereas Ford is bored to death despite getting some of the biggest and most high profile jobs in the history of his medium. That seems to fit Jay's profile better.

I like some of the production on 4:44 but goddamn, could Jay sound any more bored? It's like somebody woke him up from a nap and made him rap about how hard it is to be one of the most successful and respected people in his field (his only topic for like the last 15 years). Dude's the Harrison Ford of rappers.

Oh good, I was just looking for a 10,000th reason not to watch this movie.

"Dammit, these Josh Gads are burning out too quickly. They're not cost-effective. We need something stronger."
"Sir, have you had a chance to look over my proposal, codenamed 'The Tijuana Protocol'? I believe the use of animatronic bear DNA in formulating this model's behavioral matrix will increase durability tenfold.

I still don't believe he was born of a human mother and not a Disney-funded comedic sidekick cloning program.

Oh fuck off.

That is exactly what it is, but it kind of grew on me.

They kind of already did that on Angie Tribeca.

I beg to differ.

How do you keep up with the news like that?

The hunk of plywood blocking off the stairs to the second level is a metaphor for how he's scared to let anyone in, you know?

If I were whoever buys this place, I'd make damn sure I treated those clowns right.

That Economy Inn link is a real gem.

"Look at this fuckin' faygochella over here."—a line from The Sopranos, probably.

Everything J.J. Abrams does is a pyramid scheme: He starts with a seemingly can't-lose premise that gets everyone invested, but when it comes time for the payoff, he's long gone.

Yeah, go murder people on your own time. I'm trying to watch a movie here.