Mr Majestyk

Fake news. Trump would never say he could change because he has no reason to change because he is perfect and it's all of you who need to change.

I hadn't thought of that. What if it was just a simple question and Rocky took it the wrong way? I bet they'd be friends by now. If Creed 2: The Legend of Drago's Gold has Mr. T as the maitre d at Rocky's restaurant, it will officially be the greatest movie ever.

Drago was unrepentant at the beginning because he was a true believer. He believed that he was the perfect warrior because his leaders told him he was, and therefore anything he did in combat was acceptable as long as it supported the greater good of proving Mother Russia's natural superiority. By the end, he had seen

I didn't even notice but based on the law of averages I'm going to say, yes, it is.

I have. It's a great one.

I covered all the bases. I wasn't cutting any corners. I ran the gamut. I played out the full string. I took it all the way. I cast a wide net. I spared no expense. I pushed the envelope. I did it all, soup to nuts. I left no stone unturned. I bought a book of common English idioms. I was thorough, I tell you.

Multiple times. I love the BTILC one where for like five minutes they talk about their sons' soccer teams or some shit.

Those are my favorite commentaries, when a couple old friends get together and laugh about all the shit that went wrong.

Other Movies: The Movie

I think they probably meant "The Rosetta Stone of pop culture" but figured we're all too fuckin' dumb to get that if this is the kind of bullshit we want to see.

At this point, I'm counting it as a win that the overplayed song used in the trailer of an unrelated movie was not a slowed-down dirge cover version sung by a whispery female singer accompanied by solo piano and the Hans Zimmer orchestra.

"A world where the limits of reality are your own imagination…plus your licensing budget for the rights to established intellectual properties which, I cannot stress enough, your own imagination had fuck all to do with."

I tracked it down after being impressed with the movie and I liked it a lot. That kind of hazy 70s crime thriller is right up my alley.

Really good book, too.

I always wondered how many jobs he and William Hurt stole from each other. They even kind of looked alike.

What did C.H.U.D. ever do to you?

I was kind of shocked myself. I probably wouldn't have said anything if somebody else had brought it up, but since nobody did, I felt it was my duty.

Shit, he was even the best part of Sharknado.

You misspelled "C.H.U.D. star John Heard." He (and the rest of the cast, to be fair) brought a real lived-in quality to his role that made it feel more like a hangout movie than a monster flick. Just a solid, unshowy actor who never rang false, even when battling Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers.

I don't know anything about this show, but judging from the title, I'm assuming it'll run for four years and then nobody will ever see it or think about it ever again.