Mr Majestyk

When he's on his game, he's got an eye for straight-faced absurdity like no one else. His camera views the most delirious and insane shit with this deceptively guileless gaze that's equal parts disturbing and hilarious.

"I'm really into the musical side of [music]."

She's talking predisential already!

I was giving this thing every benefit of the doubt but that all ended when I saw the trailer. I don't know how they managed to turn The Dark Tower into Harry Potter but they pulled it off.

Another one where he hammed it up like a champ was Alone in the Dark (not the Tara Reid one). A low-budget production always got its money's worth and then some when it hired Landau.

I'd never even heard of the comic (and wouldn't have read it if I had) so I can't tell if they're miscast or not, but my first thought on seeing the trailer was how instantly unappealing the two leads seem. They feel less like the devil-may-care heroes of a space adventure and more like the mean rich stepsiblings in a

He'd have to spend the year prior to filming living in a swamp and catching flies with his tongue. Not to mention all that intensive banjo training.

You know, I honestly think he could pull it off.

It was for the greater good.

Have you ever tried to fill a body with soup? "Happy" is not how I'd describe the experience. First you have to plug up all the orifices with putty, and if just one of them pops loose, well, let's just say you've got quite a mess on your hands. I've found that it's easier and more cost-effective to store your soup in

Would you say that you appreciate them on a much deeper level than the rest of us or…?

Translation: The Muppets IP has not been as profitable for Disney as they had hoped and they need someone to throw under the bus.

You had me at "First Blood but with the stars of Dream A Little Dream."

*checks IMDB*

You sound like you're doing the best you can with the monumentally shitty cards you've been dealt. Your friends, however, sound awful. I hope you find some better ones who aren't intent on making a bad situation worse just because it doesn't fit their perfect mourning narrative.

Look, if you get the chance to marry the girl from Dream A Little Dream, you do that shit, propriety be damned.

Do you like it when people explode? Because there are some pretty excellent people explosions.

Yeah, I think it might be time for me to take the pineapple express right outta here.

You'd think Mr. Universe would be more appropriate.

I think we're done here. There's no reason for me to be stuck with you.